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About Us

About Us

At Level, we know you want to be financially liberated and independent

Without the stress of growing debt and hungry creditors calling to collect what you owe. We know you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck, always focusing on making ends meet, while lacking the safety net and freedom you really want and need.

At LEVEL, that is exactly what we’re all about

About Guiding

Guiding you towards financial freedom, starting today

We know you need a concrete solution to your money problems so you can begin enjoying your life today, and focus on planning your future tomorrow.

In order to do that, you need to break free from the shackles of debt, so you can take back the quality of life you deserve.

The problem is that you don’t know how to get there, and considering the dubious practices that got you in this position in the first place, you certainly don’t know who to trust. 

What you really need is a trustworthy advisor that above all, is focused on the success of you and your family. You need a straight-forward, step-by-step approach without hidden agendas, fees, or new complications.

We believe that you shouldn’t let the highlights of your life be overshadowed by worry and debt, when you could be spending that precious time with people you love.

Debt Management Plan

We think you should be able to leave the past behind

and close that chapter of your life once and for all, so you can finally direct your energy forward and upward, building the things you are truly passionate about.

We understand how you feel, because we’ve dealt with thousands of clients just like you. We have seen firsthand the detrimental consequences of going through life weighed down by crippling debt, and we understand how helpless, depressed and even hopeless it can make you feel.

We have also witnessed the life-changing transformation of individuals in your situation when they regain control of their finances and lives.

Debt Management Plan



Jason Bartlett

Chairman and CEO

Torrey Osborne


IAPDA Certification LogoAmerican Association for Debt ResolutionBSI Registred firm logoBBB Logo

We Make The Road to Financial Freedom Simple.

Here’s how to get started:

  • 1

    Complete our “Do You Qualify” form. Once your qualification has been verified, the next step is to set up a call with one of our debt consultants.

  • 2

    Our partners will develop a custom plan with the goal of wiping out your entire credit card debt and lowering your monthly payments in a fraction of the time that it might take you to do so on your own.*

  • 3

    We execute the plan and guide you toward financial freedom.

*All cases are unique and there’s no guarantee of amount saved.

Don’t waste more time and money on a life based on limitations.

It’s time you knew freedom.

Get started now
5 Ways to Get Out of Debt Ebook